

Visualizing multiple evolution metrics

14 years 7 months ago
Visualizing multiple evolution metrics
Observing the evolution of very large software systems is difficult because of the sheer amount of information that needs to be analyzed and because the changes performed in the system are at a very low granularity level. In recent approaches software metrics have been used to compute condensed graphical visualizations of these data also reflecting metrics. However, most techniques concentrate on visualizing data of one particular release providing only insufficient support for visualizing data of several selected releases. In this paper we present the RelVis visualization approach that provides integrated condensed graphical views on source code and release history data of up to n releases of a software system. Measurements of metrics of n releases are composed to views that facilitate spectators to spot trends of metrics of source code entities and relationships. Critical trends are highlighted: This allows the user to direct perfective maintenance activities to source code entitie...
Martin Pinzger, Harald Gall, Michael Fischer, Mich
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Martin Pinzger, Harald Gall, Michael Fischer, Michele Lanza
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