

Optimal Single Image Capture for Motion Deblurring

15 years 9 months ago
Optimal Single Image Capture for Motion Deblurring
Deblurring images of moving objects captured from a traditional camera is an ill-posed problem due to the loss of high spatial frequencies in the captured images. Recent techniques have attempted to engineer the motion point spread function (PSF) by either making it invertible [16] using coded exposure, or invariant to motion [13] by moving the camera in a specific fashion. We address the problem of optimal single image capture strategy for best deblurring performance. We formulate the problem of optimal capture as maximizing the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the deconvolved image given a scene light level. As the exposure time increases, the sensor integrates more light, thereby increasing the SNR of the captured signal. However, for moving objects, larger exposure time also results in more blur and hence more deconvolution noise. We compare the following three single image capture strategies: (a) traditional camera, (b) coded exposure camera, and (c) motion invariant photography...
Amit K. Agrawal, Ramesh Raskar
Added 13 May 2009
Updated 10 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CVPR
Authors Amit K. Agrawal, Ramesh Raskar
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