

Multiresolution parametric estimation of transparent motions

15 years 2 months ago
Multiresolution parametric estimation of transparent motions
A new framework dealing with motion estimation in transparent images is presented. It relies on a block-oriented estimation involving an efficient multiresolution minimization. A downhill simplex method provides an appropriate initialization to this scheme. The estimated velocity vectors are greatly improved by an original postprocessing stage which performs a single motion estimation on differences of warped images. Finally, a regularization step is carried out. It is demonstrated on a large set of simulations that a quarter-pixel accuracy can be attained on noise-free images. The case of noisy images is also addressed and provides satisfactory results, even in the case of low-contrasted medical images. An example on real clinical images is also reported with promising results.
Vincent Auvray, Patrick Bouthemy, Jean Lién
Added 23 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICIP
Authors Vincent Auvray, Patrick Bouthemy, Jean Liénard
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