

Power and Area Optimization for Multiple Restricted Multiplication

14 years 8 months ago
Power and Area Optimization for Multiple Restricted Multiplication
This paper presents a design and optimization technique for the Multiple Restricted Multiplication problem [1]. This refers to a situation where a single variable is multiplied by several coefficients which, while not constant, are drawn from a finite set of constants that change with time. The approach exploits dedicated registers in FPGA architecture for further time-step based optimization over previous approaches [1, 2]. It is also combined with an effective technique, based on high-level power modelling, for power optimization. The problem is formulated into an integer linear program for finding solutions to the minimum-costs. The new approach results up to 22% area saving compared to the optimal non-register approach in [1], and 80% of all results also show 21%-48% power savings.
Nalin Sidahao, George A. Constantinides, Peter Y.
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where FPL
Authors Nalin Sidahao, George A. Constantinides, Peter Y. K. Cheung
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