

A fews snags in mesh adaptation loops

14 years 6 months ago
A fews snags in mesh adaptation loops
The first stage in an adaptive finite element scheme (cf. [CAS95, bor1]) consists in creating an initial mesh of a given domain Ω, which is used to perform an initial computation (for example a flow solver). A size specification field is deduced (e.g. at the vicinity of each mesh vertex, the desired mesh size is specified), based on the numerical results. If the mesh does not satisfy the size specification field, then a new constrained mesh, governed by this field, is constructed. The size specification field is usually obtained via an error estimate [FOR, VER96]. Actually, the estimation gives a discrete size specification field. Using an adequate size interpolation over the mesh elements, a continuous field is then obtained. Metrics are commonly used to normalize the mesh size specification to one in any direction (cf. [VAL92]), and are defined as a symmetric positive definite matrix associated to any point of the domain. A classical adaptation loop is: 0 Build a i...
Frédéric Hecht
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IMR
Authors Frédéric Hecht
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