

Providing Computer Game Characters with Conversational Abilities

14 years 7 months ago
Providing Computer Game Characters with Conversational Abilities
This paper presents the NICE fairy-tale game system, which enables adults and children to engage in conversation with animated characters in a 3D world. In this paper we argue that spoken dialogue technology have the potential to greatly enrichen the user’s experience in future computer games. We also present some requirements that have to be fulfilled to successfully integrate spoken dialogue technology with a computer game application. Finally, we briefly describe an implemented system that has provided computer game characters with some conversational abilities that kids have interacted with in studies.
Joakim Gustafson, Johan Boye, Morgan Fredriksson,
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IVA
Authors Joakim Gustafson, Johan Boye, Morgan Fredriksson, Lasse Johannesson, Jürgen Königsmann
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