

Coding with Temporal Layers or Multiple Descriptions for Lossy Video Transmission

14 years 8 months ago
Coding with Temporal Layers or Multiple Descriptions for Lossy Video Transmission
In this paper, we compare temporal layered coding (TLC), as well as single-state coding (SSC), to multi-state video coding (MSVC) in the context of lossy video communications. MSVC is a Multiple Description Coding (MDC) Scheme where the video is coded into multiple independently decodable streams each with its own prediction process and state. The performance of these three coding schemes are analyzed at different loss rates and coding options, under the assumption that each packet contains the complete coded data for a frame, and the total bit rate is kept constant. To substitute the lost frames, MSVC employs state recovery based on motion compensated frame interpolation, whereas SSC and TLC repeat the last received frame. Results show that MSVC outperforms SSC and TLC for high motion sequences, and also for low motion sequences at high loss probabilities, due to increased state recovery ability of the system. Additionally, if one of the parallel channels of MSVC is in bad condition...
Sila Ekmekci Flierl, Thomas Sikora, Pascal Frossar
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where VLBV
Authors Sila Ekmekci Flierl, Thomas Sikora, Pascal Frossard
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