

Adaptive Navigation for Self-assessment Quizzes

14 years 8 months ago
Adaptive Navigation for Self-assessment Quizzes
Web-based parameterized quizzes provide teachers and students with several advantages as the technology for self-assessment. However, the effect of these advantages is strongly reduced, if a student does not receive enough support and cannot see her/his progress during the course. We have developed the system QuizGuide, which attempts to solve this problem by navigating students through the quiz material of the course in adaptive way. Architecture, interface and plans of future system development are described here. The paper also presents first results of system evaluation. 1 Web-based quizzes as the technology for self-assessment Starting from the development of first Web-based educational systems, several successful technologies for online knowledge evaluation have been proposed [1, 2]. However, web-based quizzes have always played the leading role because of two main reasons. First, it is relatively easy to organize all three main stages of the question “life cycle” [2]: author...
Sergey A. Sosnovsky
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where AH
Authors Sergey A. Sosnovsky
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