

Object Recognition via Local Patch Labelling

14 years 7 months ago
Object Recognition via Local Patch Labelling
Abstract. In recent years the problem of object recognition has received considerable attention from both the machine learning and computer vision communities. The key challenge of this problem is to be able to recognize any member of a category of objects in spite of wide variations in visual appearance due to variations in the form and colour of the object, occlusions, geometrical transformations (such as scaling and rotation), changes in illumination, and potentially non-rigid deformations of the object itself. In this paper we focus on the detection of objects within images by combining information from a large number of small regions, or ‘patches’, of the image. Since detailed hand-segmentation and labelling of images is very labour intensive, we make use of ‘weakly labelled’ data in which the training images are labelled only according to the presence or absence of each category of object. A major challenge presented by this problem is that the foreground object is accomp...
Christopher M. Bishop, Ilkay Ulusoy
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Christopher M. Bishop, Ilkay Ulusoy
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