Generation of a sequence of behaviors is necessary for the RoboCup Humanoid league to realize not simply a individual robot performance but also cooperative ones between robots. A typical example task is passing a ball between two humanoids, and the issues are: (1) basic skill decomposition, (2) skill learning, and (3) planning to connect the learned skills. This paper presents three methods for basic skill learning (trapping, approaching to, and kicking a ball) based on optic flow information by which a robot obtains sensorimotor mapping to realize the desired skill, assuming that skill decomposition and planning are given in advance. First, optic flow information of the ball is used to predict the trapping point. Next, the flow information caused by the self-motion is classified into the representative vectors, each of which is connected to motor modules and their parameters. Finally, optical flow for the environment caused by kicking motion is used to predict the ball trajector...