

The SWARM-BOTS Project

14 years 8 months ago
The SWARM-BOTS Project
This paper provides an overview of the SWARM-BOTS project, a robotic project sponsored by the Future and Emerging Technologies program of the European Commission. The paper illustrates the goals of the project, the robot prototype and the 3D simulator we built. It also reports on the results of experimental work in which distributed adaptive controllers are used to control a group of real, or simulated, robots so that they perform a variety of tasks which require cooperation and coordination. 1 Vision This paper introduces and illustrates the theoretical underpinning and the research agenda of the SWARM-BOTS project, a robotic project sponsored by the Future and Emerging Technologies program of the European Commission (IST-2000-31010). The aim of this project is the development of a new robotic system, called a swarm-bot, based on swarm robotics techniques. Swarm robotics is an emergent field of collective robotics that studies robotic systems composed of swarms of robots tightly inte...
Marco Dorigo, Elio Tuci, Roderich Groß, Vito
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where SAB
Authors Marco Dorigo, Elio Tuci, Roderich Groß, Vito Trianni, Thomas Halva Labella, Shervin Nouyan, Christos Ampatzis, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Gianluca Baldassarre, Stefano Nolfi, Francesco Mondada, Dario Floreano, Luca Maria Gambardella
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