We show the emergence of Swarm Intelligence in physical robots. We transfer an optimization algorithm which is based on beeforaging behavior to a robotic swarm. In simulation this...
Sjriek Alers, Daan Bloembergen, Daniel Hennes, Ste...
Several recent works considered cooperative cleaning in static and dynamic environments, which incorporates a swarm of simple robots cleaning an expanding region of contaminated c...
Thilo Beckmann, Rolf Klein, David Kriesel, Elmar L...
In this paper, we study how an opinion dynamics model can be the core of a collective decision-making mechanism for swarm robotics. Our main result is that when opinions represent ...
Marco Antonio Montes de Oca, Eliseo Ferrante, Nith...
Abstract. In this paper, we review methods used for macroscopic modeling and analyzing collective behavior of swarm robotic systems. Although the behavior of an individual robot in...
This paper provides an overview of the SWARM-BOTS project, a robotic project sponsored by the Future and Emerging Technologies program of the European Commission. The paper illustr...
In this talk I present recent research in swarm robotics, the discipline that studies robotic systems composed of swarms of robots tightly interacting and cooperating to reach thei...