

FITS - A Fault Injection Architecture for Time-Triggered Systems

14 years 8 months ago
FITS - A Fault Injection Architecture for Time-Triggered Systems
Time-triggered systems require a very high degree of temporal accuracy at critical stages during run time. While many software fault injection environments exist today, none of these make provisions to meet the timing requirements of such systems. This paper introduces a fault injection environment for time-triggered systems. We describe the architecture of FITS and how it addresses the requirements of temporal accuracy in the time-triggered paradigm. An implementation of FITS was used to conduct fault injection experiments on a prototype implementation of a timetriggered communication protocol for safety-critical hard realtime applications. We describe the fault injection strategy that was used for these experiments to assess the dependability of this protocol. Through the white box fault injection experiments that were performed using FITS, a number of small design problems were found and subsequently corrected in the protocol. The results of the experiments also enabled an importan...
René Hexel
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ACSC
Authors René Hexel
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