

A Block Coding Method that Leads to Significantly Lower Entropy Values for the Proteins and Coding Sections of Haemophilus influ

14 years 7 months ago
A Block Coding Method that Leads to Significantly Lower Entropy Values for the Proteins and Coding Sections of Haemophilus influ
A simple statistical block code in combination with the LZW-based compression utilities gzip and compress has been found to increase by a significant amount the level of compression possible for the proteins encoded in Haemophilus influenzae, the first fully sequenced genome. The method yields an entropy value of 3.665 bits per symbol (bps), which is 0.657 bps below the maximum of 4.322 bps and an improvement of 0.452 bps over the best known to date of 4.118 bps using Matsumoto, Sadakane, and Imai’s lza-CTW algorithm. Calculations based on a compact inverse genetic code
G. Sampath
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CSB
Authors G. Sampath
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