

A Proposal for Routing-Based Timing-Driven Scan Chain Ordering

14 years 8 months ago
A Proposal for Routing-Based Timing-Driven Scan Chain Ordering
Scan chain insertion can have large impact on routability, wirelength and timing. We propose a routing-driven and timing-aware methodology for scan insertion with minimum wirelength. We take into account timing slacks at all sinks that are affected by scan insertion, to achieve a scan chain ordering that meets timing and has smallest wirelength. For the case where sink timing is not met, we also propose a buffer insertion methodology with minimum wirelength objective. The key contribution of this paper is a method to compute a timing-driven incremental connection suited to scan insertion; this has possible applications in general incremental routing.
Puneet Gupta, Andrew B. Kahng, Stefanus Mantik
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Puneet Gupta, Andrew B. Kahng, Stefanus Mantik
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