This paper presents HTTPExplorer, an interactive tool to explore the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The intention is to use the tool in a course on web-based applications to support the learning of HTTP, the most significant protocol used on the internet today. A web-based user-interface allows students to contact any HTTP-Server connected to the internet, to issue a request and to make the data flow between a client and the server completely visible. The tool can be used by novices to get first experience with HTTP and by advanced users to experiment with more complex features. We also report about some initial experience gained in the usage of HTTPExplorer in a real course. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [User Interfaces]: Training, help, and documentation; C.2.2 [Network Protocols]: Applications—HTTP; K.3.1 [Computer Uses in Education]: Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) General Terms Algorithms, experimentation, design Keywords HTTP, simulator, WWW, e-learning