

Topology Modification of Hexahedral Meshes Using Atomic Dual-based Operations

14 years 8 months ago
Topology Modification of Hexahedral Meshes Using Atomic Dual-based Operations
Topology modification of hexahedral meshes has been considered difficult due to the propagation of topological modifications non-locally. We address this problem by working in the dual of a hexahedral mesh. We prove several relatively simple combinatorial aspects of hex mesh duals, namely that they are both complexes of simple polytopes as well as simple arrangements of pseudo-hyperplanes. We describe a set of four atomic dual-based hex topology modifications, from which the flipping operations of Bern et. al can be constructed. We also observe several intriguing arrangements and modification operations, which we intend to explore further in the future.
Timothy J. Tautges, Sarah E. Knoop
Added 07 Jul 2010
Updated 07 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where IMR
Authors Timothy J. Tautges, Sarah E. Knoop
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