

Performance of Collision Avoidance Protocols in Single-Channel Ad Hoc Networks

14 years 8 months ago
Performance of Collision Avoidance Protocols in Single-Channel Ad Hoc Networks
This paper presents the first analytical model to derive the saturation throughput of collision avoidance protocols in multi-hop ad hoc networks with nodes randomly placed according to a two-dimensional Poisson distribution. We show that the sender-initiated collision-avoidance scheme performs much better than the ideal CSMA scheme with a separate channel for acknowledgments. More importantly, we show that the collision-avoidance scheme can accommodate much fewer competing nodes within a region in a network infested with hidden terminals than in those cases without hidden terminals or with just a few, if reasonable throughput is to be maintained. Simulations of the popular IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol show that it cannot ensure collision-free transmission of data packets and thus throughput can degrade well below what is predicted by the analysis of a correct collision avoidance protocol. Based on these results, a number of improvements are proposed for the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol. Keyw...
Yu Wang, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICNP
Authors Yu Wang, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves
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