

Specifying Behavior in C++

14 years 8 months ago
Specifying Behavior in C++
Most robot programming takes place in the “time domain.” That is, the goal is to specify the behavior of a system that is acquiring a continual temporal stream of inputs, and is required to provide a continual, temporal stream of outputs. We present a reactive programming language, based on the Functional Reactive Programming paradigm, for specifying such behavior. The major attributes of this language are: 1) it provides for both synchronous and asynchronous definitions of behavior, 2) specification is equational in nature, 3) it is type safe, and 4) it is embedded in C++. In particular the latter makes it simple to “lift” existing C++ libraries into the language.
Xiangtian Dai, Gregory D. Hager, John Peterson
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICRA
Authors Xiangtian Dai, Gregory D. Hager, John Peterson
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