

Real-Time ZMP Compensation Method using Null Motion for Mobile Manipulators

14 years 5 months ago
Real-Time ZMP Compensation Method using Null Motion for Mobile Manipulators
This paper presents a method to deal the dynamic stability for a mobile manipulator. Although the system has static stability, manipulation on the moving base or mobile locomotion with a manipulator may cause the system to turnover due to dynamics, so the controller of a mobile manipulator is carefully designed. In this paper, to define the dynamic stability for a mobile manipulator, Zero Moment Point (ZMP) is used. ZMP is very useful measure for the dynamic stability. However, if the degrees of freedom of the system are large, the calculation algorithm is very complicated. So, to simplify the calculation algorithm, we define ZMP using iterative Newton-Euler formulation. Next, a unified approach for the two subsystems, mobile and manipulator, is formulated using redundant scheme. And, to conserve the dynamic stability of the system in real-time, we define the performance index for the redundant system using ZMP. And then, the redundancy resolution problem for optimizing the propos...
Jinhyun Kim, Wan Kyun Chung, Youngil Youm, Beom He
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICRA
Authors Jinhyun Kim, Wan Kyun Chung, Youngil Youm, Beom Hee Lee
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