

Coordinated Teams of Reactive Mobile Platforms

14 years 8 months ago
Coordinated Teams of Reactive Mobile Platforms
This paper presents techniques for exploiting redundancy in teams of mobile robots. In particular, we address tasks involving the kinematic coordination of several communicating robots. Teams are modeled as highly redundant spatial mechanisms for which multi-objective, concurrent controllers are constructed using a generalization of nullspace control. The goal is to develop a methodology in which the robustness and error suppression in a control theoretic substrate can be used to preserve critical properties in teams of reactive robots. The resulting “safe” control options can then be explored while guaranteeing global compliance with system specifications. The proposed architecture depends on a set of concurrent, low-dimensional control processes that interact in a welldefined manner. Cascaded null space projections and coordination templates are used to manage control interactions across platforms that actively maintain constraints for pairs of robots. Pairwise policies can th...
John Sweeney, T. J. Brunette, Yunlei Yang, Roderic
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICRA
Authors John Sweeney, T. J. Brunette, Yunlei Yang, Roderic A. Grupen
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