

The Empathic Visualisation Algorithm (EVA) - An Automatic Mapping from Abstract Data to Naturalistic Visual Structure

14 years 6 months ago
The Empathic Visualisation Algorithm (EVA) - An Automatic Mapping from Abstract Data to Naturalistic Visual Structure
from Abstract Data to Naturalistic Visual Structure A. Loizides and M.Slater Department of Computer Science, University College London (UCL), London, UK This paper demonstrates a technique for visualising multidimensional data sets holistically. The EVA algorithm provides an automatic mapping from semantically important features of the data to emotionally or perceptually significant features of the corresponding visual structure (such as a face). In other words a single glance at the visual structure informs the observer of the global state of the data, since the visual structure has an emotional impact on the observer. The visualisation is designed to correspond to the impact that would have been generated had the observer been able to access the relevant semantics of the underlying data. Categories: Information Visualization, Multi-Variate Visualization
Andreas Loizides, Mel Slater
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where IV
Authors Andreas Loizides, Mel Slater
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