

A Case Study on Multiresolution Visualization of Local Rainfall from Weather Radar Measurements

14 years 8 months ago
A Case Study on Multiresolution Visualization of Local Rainfall from Weather Radar Measurements
Weather radars can measure the backscatter from rain drops in the atmosphere. A complete radar scan provides three–dimensional precipitation information. For the understanding of the underlying atmospheric processes interactive visualization of these data sets is necessary. This is a challenging task due to the size, structure and required context of the data. In this case study, a multiresolution approach for real–time simultaneous visualization of radar measurements together with the corresponding terrain data is illustrated. CR Categories: I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling—Curve, surface, solid, and object representations J.2 [Computer Applications]: Physical Sciences and Engineering—Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Thomas Gerstner, Dirk Meetschen, Susanne Crewell,
Added 16 Jul 2010
Updated 16 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Thomas Gerstner, Dirk Meetschen, Susanne Crewell, Michael Griebel, Clemens Simmer
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