Multithreaded parallel system with software Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) is an attractive direction in cluster computing. In these systems, distributing workloads and keeping the shared memory operations efficient are critical issues. Distributed Cilk (Cilk 5.1) is a multithreaded runtime system for SMP clusters with the support of divide-and-conquer programming paradigm. However, there is no support for user level shared memory. In this paper, we describe SilkRoad, an extension of distributed Cilk, which implementing the Lazy Release Consistency (LRC) memory model. In the SilkRoad runtime system, the data of system control information (such as thread management, load balancing, etc) are kept consistent by means of the backing store, just as it is in the original distributed Cilk, while the user's cluster wide shared data are kept consistent by LRC. With LRC, SilkRoad programmers are allowed to define and use shared variables between the threads running on different nodes in...