Because domino logic design offers smaller area and higher speed than complementary CMOS design, it has been very popularly used to design highperformance processors. However: domino logic suffers from several design problems and one of the most notable ones is the charge-sharingproblem. Charge sharing may degrade output voltage level or even cause erroneous output value (named as chargesharing faulr). In this work, wefind that charge-sharingfaults are extremely resistant to scan test. In fact, charge-sharing faults occurring at the border gates cannot be detected by any scan method, due to the missing error caused by early signal arrival time. Further: we show that killing error might happen in charge-sharing fault detectionfor both border gates and non-border gates because of the low-speed testing problem caused again by scan test. We thoroughly investigate both test errors and propose two design-for-testability techniques to efficiently eliminate bothproblems.