

Predicting Performance on SMPs. A Case Study: The SGI Power Challenge

14 years 7 months ago
Predicting Performance on SMPs. A Case Study: The SGI Power Challenge
We study the issue of performance prediction on the SGIPower Challenge, a typical SMP. On such a platform, the cost of memory accesses depends on their locality and on contention among processors. By running a carefully designed suite of microbenchmarks, we provide quantitative evidence that memory hierarchy effects impact performance far more substantially than other phenomena related to contention. We also fit three cost functions based on variants of the BSP model, which do not account for the hierarchy, and a newly defined function F, expressed in terms of hardware counters, which captures both memory hierarchy and contention effects. We test the accuracy of all the functions on both synthetic and application benchmarks showing that, unlike the other functions, F achieves an excellent level of accuracy in all cases. Although hardware counters are only available at run time, we give evidence that function F can still be employed as a prediction tool by extrapolating values of the...
Nancy M. Amato, Jack Perdue, Mark M. Mathis, Andre
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where IPPS
Authors Nancy M. Amato, Jack Perdue, Mark M. Mathis, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci
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