

Achieving utility arbitrarily close to the optimal with limited energy

14 years 6 months ago
Achieving utility arbitrarily close to the optimal with limited energy
Energy is one of the limited resources for modern systems, especially the battery-operated devices and personal digital assistants. The backlog in new technologies for more powerful battery is changing the traditional system design philosophies. For example, due to the limitation on battery life, it is more realistic to design for the optimal bene t from limited resource rather than design to meet all the applications' requirement. We consider the following problem: a system achieves a certain amount of utility from a set of applications by providing them certain levels of quality of service (QoS). We want to allocate the limited system resources to get the maximal system utility. We formulate this utility maximization problem, which is NP-hard in general, and propose heuristic algorithms that are capable of nding solutions provably arbitrarily close to the optimal. We have also derived explicit formulae to guide the allocation of resources to actually achieve such solutions. Sim...
Gang Qu, Miodrag Potkonjak
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Gang Qu, Miodrag Potkonjak
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