

Access Order and Effective Bandwidth for Streams on a Direct Rambus Memory

14 years 7 months ago
Access Order and Effective Bandwidth for Streams on a Direct Rambus Memory
Processor speeds are increasing rapidly, and memory speeds are not keeping up. Streaming computations (such as multi-media or scientific applications) are among those whose performance is most limited by the memory bottleneck. Rambus hopes to bridge the processor/memory performance gap with a recently introduced
Sung I. Hong, Sally A. McKee, Maximo H. Salinas, R
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where HPCA
Authors Sung I. Hong, Sally A. McKee, Maximo H. Salinas, Robert H. Klenke, James H. Aylor, William A. Wulf
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