

Evolving a behavior-based control architecture- From simulations to the real world

14 years 6 months ago
Evolving a behavior-based control architecture- From simulations to the real world
Genetic programming makes it possible to automatically search the space of possible programs. First we evolved a behavior-based control architecture using computer simulations. Then we replicated one of the experiments with a service robot, showing that Koza's classic experiment of evolving a control architecture can be transfered to the real world with a change of representation. The use of a service robot necessitates safety measures which are also explained. Results are reported for the experiments using computer simulations and with the real robot. 1 MOTIVATION Many mobile robots are carefully programmed by hand. Apart from repetitive tasks which may simply be recorded, programmingrobots to complete tasks in arbitrary environments is a di cultprocess which usually takes a long time. The di culty of the task is due in part to unforeseeable interactions between the robot and the environment. In addition, a handwritten programmaybehave very di erent in realityfrom the way it was...
Marc Ebner, Andreas Zell
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Marc Ebner, Andreas Zell
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