

Special ATPG to Correlate Test Patterns for Low-Overhead Mixed-Mode BIST

14 years 7 months ago
Special ATPG to Correlate Test Patterns for Low-Overhead Mixed-Mode BIST
In mixed-mode BIST, deterministic test patterns are generated with on-chip hardware to detect the random-pattern-resistant (r.p.r.) faults that are missed by the pseudo-random patterns. While previous work in mixed-mode BIST has focused on developing hardware schemes for more efficiently encoding a given set of deterministic patterns (generated by a conventional ATPG procedure), the approach taken in this paper is to improve the encoding efficiency (and hence reduce hardware overhead) by specially selecting a set of deterministic test patterns for the r.p.r. faults that can be efficiently encoded. A special ATPG procedure is described for finding test patterns for the r.p.r. faults that are correlated (have the same logic value) in many bit positions. Such test patterns can be efficiently encoded with one of the many "bitfixing" schemes that have been described in the literature. Results are shown for different bit-fixing schemes which indicate dramatic reductions in BIST ov...
Madhavi Karkala, Nur A. Touba, Hans-Joachim Wunder
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ATS
Authors Madhavi Karkala, Nur A. Touba, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich
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