This paper presents a voxel-based animation technique which employs either a massspring modelor a niteelementmodel. The voxel-basedmeshis generated in a pre-processing step. Two volumetric objects, a voxelized chair and scanned muscle are used as case studies with di erent models. The mass-spring model is used to show an animation sequence of a falling and bouncing chair. Wireframe display and volume rendering are used to display a real-timeanimationof the process. In addition, a real-timesimulationis carried out by Finite Element Method FEM of a voxel-based multi-resolution muscle mesh. Two techniques, a direct integration and a simpli ed modal analysis method are discussed in the context of applying FEM for muscledeformation. Local deformation optimizationwith modal analysis for higher resolution muscle volumetric animation, which allows accurate prediction of muscle deformation changes, has been applied. The physiological muscle force has been considered and a biomechanically-based...
Yan Chen, Qing-hong Zhu, Arie E. Kaufman, Shigeru