Our interest in the eld of software architecture is focused on the application in technical systems, such as control systems. Our current research in this eld is centered around a real-life case study, a control system for unmanned vehicles transporting containers on the Maasvlakte", an area in the ports of Rotterdam. Important issues in this control system are scalability, evolvability, and on-line change capacities. In this paper, we discuss two mechanisms for on-line change in the distributed control system for the Maasvlakte system, which we have implemented in Java. The software architecture we use is a con guration of distributed processes, communicating according to the subscription model. We will focus on the software architectural aspects of the mechanisms for on-line change. One of these mechanisms is associated with the decoupling of processes as a result of the subscription-based communication model. The other mechanism is based on the late-binding properties of Java....