

Embryonics: A Macroscopic View of the Cellular Architecture

14 years 7 months ago
Embryonics: A Macroscopic View of the Cellular Architecture
The ontogenetic development of living beings suggests the design of a new kind of multicellular automaton endowed with novel quasi-biological properties: self-repair and self-replication. In the framework of the Embryonics embryonic electronics project, we have developed such an automaton. Its macroscopic architecture is de ned by three features: multicellular organization, cellular di erentiation, and cellular division. Through a simple example, a stopwatch, we show that the arti cial organism possesses the macroscopic properties of self-replication cloning and self-repair. In order to cope with the complexity of real problems, the cell will be decomposed into an array of smaller elements, the molecules, themselves de ned by three features: multimolecular organization, self-test and self-repair, and nally cellular self-replication, which is the basis of the macroscopic process of cellular division. These microscopic properties are the subject of a companion paper 9 .
Daniel Mange, André Stauffer, Gianluca Temp
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ICES
Authors Daniel Mange, André Stauffer, Gianluca Tempesti
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