

Probabilistic Deduction with Conditional Constraints over Basic Events

14 years 7 months ago
Probabilistic Deduction with Conditional Constraints over Basic Events
We study the problem of probabilistic deduction with conditional constraints over basic events. We show that globallycomplete probabilistic deduction with conditional constraints over basic events is NP-hard. We then concentrate on the special case of probabilistic deduction in conditional constraint trees. We elaborate very e cient techniques for globally complete probabilistic deduction. In detail, for conditional constraint trees with point probabilities, we present a local approach to globally complete probabilistic deduction, which runs in linear time in the size of the conditional constraint trees. For conditional constraint trees with interval probabilities, we show that globally complete probabilistic deduction can be done in a global approach by solving nonlinear programs. We show how these nonlinear programs can be transformed into equivalent linear programs, which are solvable in polynomial time in the size of the conditional constraint trees.
Thomas Lukasiewicz
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where KR
Authors Thomas Lukasiewicz
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