

DynamO: Dynamic Objects with Persistent Storage

14 years 7 months ago
DynamO: Dynamic Objects with Persistent Storage
In light of advances in processor and networking technology, especially the emergence of network attached disks, the traditional client-server architecture becomes suboptimal for many computation/data intensive applications, e.g., data mining, scienti c computing, image processing, etc. In this paper, we introduce a revised architecture for this kind of application: the dynamic object server environment (DynamO). The main innovation of this architecture is that the functionality of a persistent storage server is divided into modules which are dynamically migrated to the client on demand. Also, data is transfered directly to the client's cache from network-attached disks, thus avoiding multiple copies from a disk to the server bu er to the network and the client. In this way, a client only places a small load on the server, and also avoids the I/O bottleneck on the server. Furthermore, DynamO employs a distributed cache management allowing several clients to share the in-memory da...
Jiong Yang, Silvia Nittel, Wei Wang 0010, Richard
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where POS
Authors Jiong Yang, Silvia Nittel, Wei Wang 0010, Richard R. Muntz
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