

Fast oriented line integral convolution for vector field visualization via the Internet

14 years 7 months ago
Fast oriented line integral convolution for vector field visualization via the Internet
Oriented Line Integral Convolution (OLIC) illustrates flow fields by convolving a sparse texture with an anisotropic convolution kernel. The kernel is aligned to the underlying flow of the vector field. OLIC does not only show the direction of the flow but also its orientation. This paper presents Fast Rendering of Oriented Line Integral Convolution (FROLIC), which is approximately two orders of magnitude faster than OLIC. Costly convolution operations as done in OLIC are replaced in FROLIC by approximating a streamlet through a set of disks with varying intensity. The issue of overlapping streamlets is discussed. Two efficient animation techniques for animating FROLIC images are described. FROLIC has been implemented as a Java applet. This allows researchers from various disciplines (typically with inhomogenous hardware environments) to convenientlyexplore and investigate analytically defined 2D vector fields. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: ...
Rainer Wegenkittl, Eduard Gröller
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Rainer Wegenkittl, Eduard Gröller
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