

Database theory in practice: learning from cooperative group projects

14 years 5 months ago
Database theory in practice: learning from cooperative group projects
lhis paper describes the use of cooperative group learning concepts in support of an undergraduate database mrtnagement course that emphasizes the theoretical and practical aspects of database application development. `Ihe course project is divided into three main phases, involving requirements analysis and conceptual design, relational database mapping and prototyping, and database system implementation using Microsoft Access. The project deliverables are designed so that students not only develop a database implementation, but also evaluate their design in terms of functional dependencies, normal forms, the lossless join property, and the dependency preservation property, thus establishing the need for sound database design principles. Students are required to actively participate in each phase, with students assuming different roles in each phase to allow them to experience different leadership responsibilities. As part of the grading process, students evaluate their own performanc...
Suzanne W. Dietrich, Susan Darling Urban
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Authors Suzanne W. Dietrich, Susan Darling Urban
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