

A Tight Lower Bound for k-Set Agreement

14 years 7 months ago
A Tight Lower Bound for k-Set Agreement
: Weprove tight bounds on the time needed to solve k-set agreement, a natural generalization of consensus. We analyze this problem in a synchronous, message-passing model where processors fail by crashing. We prove a lower bound of bf=kc+1 rounds of communication for solutions to k-set agreement that tolerate f failures. This bound is tight, and shows that there is an inherent tradeo between the running time, the degree of coordination required, and the number of faults tolerated, even in idealized models like the synchronous model. The proof of this result is interesting because it is a geometric combination of other well-known proof techniques.
Soma Chaudhuri, Maurice Herlihy, Nancy A. Lynch, M
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Where FOCS
Authors Soma Chaudhuri, Maurice Herlihy, Nancy A. Lynch, Mark R. Tuttle
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