We resolve in the a rmative a question of Boppana and Bui: whether simulated annealing can, with high probability and in polynomial time, nd the optimal bisection of a random grap...
Let M be a fixed finite monoid. We consider the problem of implementing a data type containing a vector x ϭ ( x1, x2, . . . , xn) ʦ Mn , initially (1, 1, . . . , 1), with two kin...
Gudmund Skovbjerg Frandsen, Peter Bro Miltersen, S...
This paper investigates the computational complexity of approximating several NPoptimization problems using the number of queries to an NP oracle as a complexity measure. The resu...
: Weprove tight bounds on the time needed to solve k-set agreement, a natural generalization of consensus. We analyze this problem in a synchronous, message-passing model where pro...
Soma Chaudhuri, Maurice Herlihy, Nancy A. Lynch, M...
We consider the following scenario. A point robot is placed at some start location ¡ in a 2dimensional scene containing oriented rectangular obstacles. The robot must repeatedly ...
We develop a framework that allows us to address the issues of admission control and routing in high-speed networks under the restriction that once a call is admitted and routed, ...