

Locating cache performance bottlenecks using data profiling

14 years 6 months ago
Locating cache performance bottlenecks using data profiling
Effective use of CPU data caches is critical to good performance, but poor cache use patterns are often hard to spot using existing execution profiling tools. Typical profilers attribute costs to specific code locations. The costs due to frequent cache misses on a given piece of data, however, may be spread over instructions throughout the application. The resulting individually small costs at a large number of instructions can easily appear insignificant in a code profiler's output. DProf helps programmers understand cache miss costs by attributing misses to data types instead of code. Associating cache misses with data helps programmers locate data structures that experience misses in many places in the application's code. DProf introduces a number of new views of cache miss data, including a data profile, which reports the data types with the most cache misses, and a data flow graph, which summarizes how objects of a given type are accessed throughout their lifetime, and ...
Aleksey Pesterev, Nickolai Zeldovich, Robert T. Mo
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Aleksey Pesterev, Nickolai Zeldovich, Robert T. Morris
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