

Software Scheduling in the Co-Synthesis of Reactive Real-Time Systems

14 years 7 months ago
Software Scheduling in the Co-Synthesis of Reactive Real-Time Systems
Existing software scheduling techniques limit the functions that can be implemented in software to those with a restricted class of timing constraints, in particular those with a coarse-grained, uniform, periodic behavior. In practice, however, many systems change their I O behavior in response to the inputs from the environment. This paper considers one such class of systems, called reactive real-time systems, where timing requirements can include sequencing, rate, and response time constraints. We present a static, non-preemptive, ne-grained software scheduling algorithm to meet these constraints. This algorithm is suitable for control-dominated embedded systems with hard real-time constraints, and is part of the core of a hardware software co-synthesis system.
Pai H. Chou, Gaetano Borriello
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where DAC
Authors Pai H. Chou, Gaetano Borriello
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