

Inorder Traversal of a Binary Heap and its Inversion in Optimal Time and Space

14 years 5 months ago
Inorder Traversal of a Binary Heap and its Inversion in Optimal Time and Space
In this paper we derive a linear-time, constant-space algorithm to construct a binary heap whose inorder traversal equals a given sequence. We do so in two steps. First, we invert a program that computes the inorder traversal of a binary heap, using the proof rules for program inversion by W. Chen and J.T. Udding. This results in a linear-time solution in terms of binary trees. Subsequently, we data-refine this program to a constant-space solution in terms of linked structures.
Berry Schoenmakers
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where MPC
Authors Berry Schoenmakers
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