

Cyber-physical energy systems: focus on smart buildings

14 years 4 months ago
Cyber-physical energy systems: focus on smart buildings
Operating at the intersection of multiple sensing and control systems designed for occupant comfort, performability and operational efficiency, modern buildings represent a prototypical cyber-physical system with deeply coupled embedded sensing and networked information processing that has increasingly become part of our daily lives. In this paper, we look at modern buildings entirely as a cyber-physical energy system and examine the opportunities presented by the joint optimization of energy use by its occupants and information processing equipment. This paper makes two contributions: one, a careful examination of different types of buildings and their energy use; two, opportunities available to improve energy efficient operation through various strategies from lighting to computing. Using a modern 150,000 sq feet office building as a closed system, we detail different strategies to reduce energy use from LEED certification to zero net energy use. Categories and Subject Descriptor...
Jan Kleissl, Yuvraj Agarwal
Added 15 Aug 2010
Updated 15 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where DAC
Authors Jan Kleissl, Yuvraj Agarwal
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