

Offline Planning for Communication by Exploiting Structured Interactions in Decentralized MDPs

14 years 6 months ago
Offline Planning for Communication by Exploiting Structured Interactions in Decentralized MDPs
Variants of the decentralized MDP model focus on problems exhibiting some special structure that makes them easier to solve in practice. Our work is concerned with two main issues. First, we propose a new model, Event-Driven Interaction with Complex Rewards, that addresses problems having structured transition and reward dependence. Our model captures a wider range of problems than existing structured models. In spite of its generality, the model still offers structure that can be leveraged by heuristics and solution algorithms. This is facilitated by explicitly representing interactions as firstclass entities. We formulate and solve instances of our model as bilinear programs. Second, we look at making offline planning for communication tractable. To this end, we propose heuristics that limit problem size by making communication available only at a few strategically chosen points based on an analysis that exploits problem structure in the proposed model. Experimental results demonstr...
Hala Mostafa, Victor R. Lesser
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where IAT
Authors Hala Mostafa, Victor R. Lesser
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