Off-chip memory accesses are a major source of power consumption in embedded processors. In order to reduce the amount of traffic between the processor and the off-chip memory as well as to hide the memory latency, nearly all embedded processors have a cache on the same die as the processor core. Because small caches dissipate less power and are cheaper than large caches, a small cache is preferable to a large cache. Furthermore, because set-associative caches consume more power than direct-mapped caches, a direct-mapped cache is preferable to a set-associative one. Small, direct-mapped caches generally incur many conflict misses, however. In this paper we propose and evaluate a structure called the Conflict Detection Table (CDT). This table can be used to determine if a memory access is expected to hit the cache. If a hit is expected and a miss occurs, then a conflict is detected and appropriate action can be taken. In addition, we propose two cache structures that employ this techni...
Pepijn J. de Langen, Ben H. H. Juurlink