

STEPS: Experimenting a New Software-Based Strategy for Testing SoCs Containing P1500-Compliant IP Cores

14 years 6 months ago
STEPS: Experimenting a New Software-Based Strategy for Testing SoCs Containing P1500-Compliant IP Cores
This paper presents STEPS, an innovative softwarebased approach for testing P1500-compliant SoCs. STEPS is based on the concept that the ATE is not considered as an initiator applying vectors to the SoC test pins but rather as a target, a huge repository of 32-bits test data and control commands. The ATE is connected to the functional SoC external RAM controller interface. The only additional test component in the SoC is a P1500 test processor that converts test data into serial P1500 streams. This paper applies the STEPS methodology to SoCs containing a VCIcompliant interconnect, a microprocessor, P1500 compliant IP cores and an external RAM controller interface. Using the ITC02 SoC benchmarks a comparison is done between the STEPS architecture and a classical bus-based strategy.
Mounir Benabdenbi, Alain Greiner, François
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DATE
Authors Mounir Benabdenbi, Alain Greiner, François Pêcheux, Emmanuel Viaud, Matthieu Tuna
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