

An Integrated Design and Verification Methodology for Reconfigurable Multimedia Systems

14 years 6 months ago
An Integrated Design and Verification Methodology for Reconfigurable Multimedia Systems
Recently a lot of multimedia applications are emerging on portable appliances. They require both the flexibility of upgradeable devices (traditionally software based) and a powerful computing engine (typically hardware). In this context, programmable HW and dynamic reconfiguration allow novel approaches to the migration of algorithms from SW to HW. Thus, in the frame of the Symbad project, we propose an industrial design flow for reconfigurable SoC's. The goal of Symbad consists of developing a system level design platform for hardware and software SoC systems including formal and semi-formal verification techniques.
Michele Borgatti, Andrea Capello, Umberto Rossi, J
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DATE
Authors Michele Borgatti, Andrea Capello, Umberto Rossi, Jean-Luc Lambert, Imed Moussa, Franco Fummi, Graziano Pravadelli
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