

On Graph Isomorphism for Restricted Graph Classes

14 years 6 months ago
On Graph Isomorphism for Restricted Graph Classes
Abstract. Graph isomorphism (GI) is one of the few remaining problems in NP whose complexity status couldn't be solved by classifying it as being either NP-complete or solvable in P. Nevertheless, efficient (polynomial-time or even NC) algorithms for restricted versions of GI have been found over the last four decades. Depending on the graph class, the design and analysis of algorithms for GI use tools from various fields, such as combinatorics, algebra and logic. In this paper, we collect several complexity results on graph isomorphism testing and related algorithmic problems for restricted graph classes from the literature. Further, we provide some new complexity bounds (as well as easier proofs of some known results) and highlight some open questions.
Johannes Köbler
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CIE
Authors Johannes Köbler
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