

Efficient incremental clock latency scheduling for large circuits

14 years 4 months ago
Efficient incremental clock latency scheduling for large circuits
The clock latency scheduling problem is usually solved on the sequential graph, also called register-to-register graph. In practice, the the extraction of the sequential graph for the given circuit is much more expensive than computing the clock latency schedule for the sequential graph. In this paper we present a new algorithm for clock latency scheduling which does not require the complete sequential graph as input. The new algorithm is based on the parametric shortest paths algorithm by Young, Tarjan and Orlin. It extracts the sequential timing graph only partly, that is in the critical regions, through a call back. It is still guaranteed that the algorithm finds the critical cycle and the minimum clock period. As additional input the algorithm only requires for every register the maximum delay of any outgoing combinational path. Computing these maximum delays for all the registers is equivalent to the timing analysis problem, hence they can be computed very efficiently. Computatio...
Christoph Albrecht
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where DATE
Authors Christoph Albrecht
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