

Visual interactions with Web database content

14 years 5 months ago
Visual interactions with Web database content
In this paper,we describeanexperimental web application, Visual MeSH that supports dynamic user interaction with medical vocabulary databasesand literature databases. Visual MeSH is a client-server application based on Java RMI technology. It provides multiple views of MeSH term relationships and allows the user to explore term relationships visually. Visual MeSH helps the userimprove both searchprecision and recall by making it easy to convert user's natural language queries to controlled vocabulary-basedqueries. Keywords Visual accessto databases,visual displays, medical databases, client-server applications, Javaapplications.
Xia Lin, Lewis Hassell, Il-Yeol Song, Tamas E. Dos
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where NPIV
Authors Xia Lin, Lewis Hassell, Il-Yeol Song, Tamas E. Doszkocs
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